Style My Curls PopUp Boutique have created an immersive offline experience. Visit our pop-up, and discover our curlections in a luxury boutique environment. Showcasing new product launches and hosting some old favourites, collectively catering to your desire for creative styling solutions and the finest natural and moisture-rich ingredients to promote healthy growing hair. Featured brands: TWISTED SISTA, TGIN,EDEN BODYWORKS, AMPRO SHINE ‘N JAM and INAHSI NATURALS.
Meet our experts, get healthy hair advice, styling tips and a personalised curlcare prescription. Whatever your hair type: curly, coily , kinky or wavy we’ve got you!
Don’t miss our complimentary samples and discounts. We look forward to welcoming you to discover this superior beauty experience.

Stand Number : 40

Website :

Phone number : (01789) 632018

Contact name : Laverne Gould
